
“PATEL JIVRAM MADHAVJI” company is having more than 71 years of experience in Spices business since last 3 generation at UNJHA (GUJARAT) which is considered to be the “Agri- Commercial Capital & Spice City of INDIA.”
“PATEL JIVRAM MADHAVJI” company was started by Shri Jivram Patel himself whose entrepreneuristic abilities got him at the top of the business with his son Babulal Patel & soared the highest in the sky of success. The dedication and devotion to the business was carried forward by next generation Rakesh Patel.
IPM & Organic Product Range
BRC Certifed sortex Plant

Email us with questions or inquiries or call +91 9712179433 We would be happy to answer your questions and set up meeting with you.